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Your Spirit Guides Would Like A Word.

Actually, more than one. Your spirit guides have plenty of words to share with you, and I can help you hear them.

Click Here to Get Started


[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”18″ font_font=”Open%20Sans”]Yes, you have spirit guides.

Whether you’re thinking “I knew it!” or “no way,” I assure you this is true.

You’ve also got questions, worries, and curiosities about your life goals, hopes, and dreams.

If you already know how to connect directly with your higher guidance to receive truth and wisdom—great!

And if you’d like some support getting answers, you’re in the right place.[/text_block]


Play the video




Honestly, it was nice to think that there is someone or multiple someones/beings looking out for me who have my back and think I’m great. That alone was really useful and has generally boosted me since the reading.

—Melanie M.

Your gift is astonishing and I’m so blessed to have received your time and communication with my guides!

—Lauren W.

Work With a Spiritual Professional

  • From mainstream media to meditation

    + I graduated cum laude from Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism and spend the next decade climbing the ladder in commercial publishing.
    + While I was busy writing magazine articles, editing bestselling books, and helping authors market themselves and their work, I was also developing a passion for yoga and meditation.
    + Eventually, my spiritual study and practice led to a greater understanding of myself and my life purpose. And, well, here we are.

  • How I honed my skills

    + I got certified as a yoga instructor in 2011, then took specialized trainings to work with kids, teens, and traumatized populations, and then I taught in shelters.
    + Along the way I received Reiki attunement, established a daily meditation and prayer practice, and stopped using drugs and alcohol.
    + To prepare for the publication of my first book, I decided to study entrepreneurship and crossed paths with Erin-Ashley Kerti, founder of Spiritual Mechanic and my eventual mentor.
    + With her training, I learned how to deeply align with my intuition and raise my vibration in order to communicate directly with spirit guides…and then how to connect with yours.

  • My specialities

    + I have the gift of clairaudience, which means I receive energetic information through language, which means the messages that come through in spirit guide readings are precise, clear, and actionable. (No crystal balls or fortune telling here!)
    + As a seasoned communications professional who has spent a lot of time offering constructive criticism to sensitive artists, I know how to be both kind and direct when sharing my personal insights.
    + I care about my community, my country, and my planet and am committed to doing what I can to help us all heal. That starts with inner work: I legit believe that self-love paves the path to peace.

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Wow Christina! Thank you for the lovely reading. I felt such a connection to what you and my guides said.

—Deborah S.

I loved how loving and supportive it was… It made me well up with emotion and then burst into happy tears.

—Nicole G.


[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”50″ font_color=”%23ffffff” font_shadow=”none” bottom_padding=”0″ bottom_margin=”0″ line_height=”50″]GET STARTED TODAY[/text_block]
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”22″ font_font=”Open%20Sans” font_style=”300″ font_color=”%23ffffff” line_height=”31″]Are You Ready To Listen?  Let Your Guides Help Lighten Your Load And Direct You Toward Actions That Lead You To Increased Peace And Happiness. [/text_block]



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What a spirit guide reading includes:



[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”20″ font_font=”Open%20Sans” font_style=”300″]When you book a spirit guide reading, you first get access to a brief and engaging intake survey, where you get to share what’s on your mind and ask the top three questions you want addressed. Then I compile your questions, meditate my way into the higher realm, and connect with your guides. I take notes on everything that happens while I’m up there.[/text_block]
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”20″ font_font=”Open%20Sans” font_style=”italic” font_shadow=”none”]

With your package, you’ll get the following:





[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”20″ font_font=”Open%20Sans” font_style=”300″ width=”800″]

A PDF that you can open anywhere, anytime, with instructions for best practices and unfiltered feedback directly from your guides






[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”20″ font_font=”Open%20Sans” font_style=”300″ width=”800″]

A link to an interactive document with customized insights and commentary where you can leave questions and reactions I’ll respond to






[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”20″ font_font=”Open%20Sans” font_style=”300″ width=”800″]A link to an audio file that contains verbatim messages from your guides, along with additional context and commentary from me[/text_block]



Seriously looooove the audio recording. Words on a page don’t always capture the vibration of power. Your voice totally does!

—Zoraghail B.

I first read the report, then went to the Google Doc, and finally listened to your interpretation. I really enjoyed the personal touch with that voice recording. In spite of hearing the information for the third time, it felt richer, and I also enjoyed the extra nuggets that came through.

—Alan A.


[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”20″ font_font=”Open%20Sans” font_style=”300″ font_color=”%23ffffff” width=”800″]

Once you receive your report, the insights, assurance, and ahas are instant, and the information in your reading remains relevant for up to three months (or however long it takes for you to implement the suggested actions). Later, you’ll also have the chance to  fill out an aftercare questionnaire, where you can follow up on any lingering questions or reactions.



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Frequently Asked Questions


  • Q.Mauris varius turpis quis pellentesque dignissim?

    A.Nunc blandt molestie molestie. Sed et molestie magna, et imperdiet sem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse laoreet gravida sem, sed tincidunt risus pellentesque ac. Vivamus eget orci quis libero malesuada viverra tincidunt eget magna.

  • Q.Mauris varius turpis quis pellentesque dignissim?

    A.Nunc blandt molestie molestie. Sed et molestie magna, et imperdiet sem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse laoreet gravida sem, sed tincidunt risus pellentesque ac. Vivamus eget orci quis libero malesuada viverra tincidunt eget magna.

  • Q.Mauris varius turpis quis pellentesque dignissim?

    A.Nunc blandt molestie molestie. Sed et molestie magna, et imperdiet sem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse laoreet gravida sem, sed tincidunt risus pellentesque ac. Vivamus eget orci quis libero malesuada viverra tincidunt eget magna.

  • Q.Mauris varius turpis quis pellentesque dignissim?

    A.Nunc blandt molestie molestie. Sed et molestie magna, et imperdiet sem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse laoreet gravida sem, sed tincidunt risus pellentesque ac. Vivamus eget orci quis libero malesuada viverra tincidunt eget magna.

  • Q.Mauris varius turpis quis pellentesque dignissim?

    A.Nunc blandt molestie molestie. Sed et molestie magna, et imperdiet sem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse laoreet gravida sem, sed tincidunt risus pellentesque ac. Vivamus eget orci quis libero malesuada viverra tincidunt eget magna.

  • Q.Mauris varius turpis quis pellentesque dignissim?

    A.Nunc blandt molestie molestie. Sed et molestie magna, et imperdiet sem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse laoreet gravida sem, sed tincidunt risus pellentesque ac. Vivamus eget orci quis libero malesuada viverra tincidunt eget magna.




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